Friday, July 16, 2010

High School Days

Going to the movies today and being surrounded by teenage girls and boys, took me back to my high school days.  It has been five years since I graduated high school and moved away from my hometown.  The town that holds eighteen years of memories is now only a piece of my past.  It's mind blowing to think about who I was at eighteen and the plans and dreams I had, and the person I am...or am not today.   Relationships have ended, all for the better but not at all what I was convinced would happen.  Friendships have disintegrated, again...all for the better.  Some of the friends I had in high school were meant to be forever, but most were acquaintances meant to teach a lesson.  It isn't until after high school that we are truly able to find out who we are or want to be.  We can finally choose our friends for the right reasons.  When you graduate high school and are handed a diploma, you are also handed boundless freedom.  Freedom to make your own decisions and be whoever you want to be.  It's a scary time but plays such a vital role in your future.  These "kids" at the theater seemed so young to me, which made me happy to think that I've least a little bit.  I wanted to tell them that things wouldn't always be that way between their small group of friends, that in ten years they may look back and realize they never liked each other in the first place.  But, what's the fun in that? It's an experience they all must grow through...and teenagers never listen to adults anyway!